The Western Brink


 The Western Brink is the region that forms the westernmost edge of the Realm. The region is ruled
by the Barothy family, and protected by the Order from the threats of the Wild. The wooded slopes of
this territory are rich in minerals, and most people here are involved with the mining of these riches in
one way or another.

Nested at the base of the surrounding hills lies the town of Krumilov. The community is lead by the
Governor, who represents the Czar at this remote corner of the Realm. The governors primary role is
to oversee the mines that are dotted in the hills around Krumilov, but also functions as a judge and a
diplomat as the need arises.

The other notable settlement in the vicinity used to be the village of Rovinca. This small hamlet
was founded by a local pastor of The Builder, who erected a temple next to a creek running through a
lush valley. This attracted nearby farmers and miners, and a small community grew around the temple.
However, some years ago a dark turn of events lead to the hamlet being abandoned. Since then, locals
refer to this ghost town by the name Harrow.

Heading west from Krumilov through the Sunset Valley we reach the end of the Realm, and head out
to the Wild. The valley is framed by a pari of mountaitns. Perched atom the southern peak is Castle
Shreek, the seat of the Barothy family. The family got the land a few centuries ago as a reward from the
Czar for their military service. The Barothies were quick to rid of the trolls who dwelt in the valley, and
began extracting the riches trapped within the mountains.

However, the hegemony of the family was soon challanged by the Order, whose fortress monastery
looms on the northern ridge of Sunset Valley. Being an organization largely independent of the Czar, the
Order was quick to establish their foothold in the region after the Pillage committed by the monsters of
the Wild roughly half a century ago.

The tho bastions are commonly referred to as the Gate. Heading further west one leaves civilization
behind and steps into the marshland, passing the threshold into the unknown.


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